Saturday, 1 April 2017

A Short Story : The Clever Crow

This Short Story The Clever Crow is quite interesting to all the people. Enjoy reading this story. 

Once upon a time there lived a crow. She had built her nest on a tree. At the root of the same tree, a snake had built its home. 

Whenever the crow laid eggs, the snake would eat them up. The crow felt helpless. “That evil snake. I must do something. Let me go and talk to him," thought the crow. 

The next morning, the crow went to the snake and said politely, “Please spare my eggs, dear friend. Let us live like good neighbors and not disturb each other." 

“Huh! You cannot expect me to go hungry. Eggs are what I eat," replied the snake, in a nasty tone. 

The crow felt angry and she thought, “I must teach that snake a lesson." 

The very next day, the crow was flying over the King’s palace. She saw the Princess wearing an expensive necklace. Suddenly a thought flashed in her mind and she swooped down, picked up the necklace in her beak and flew off to her nest. 

When the Princess saw the crow flying off with her necklace, she screamed, “Somebody help, the crow has taken my necklace." 

Soon the palace guards were running around in search of the necklace. Within a short time the guards found the crow. She still sat with the necklace hanging from her beak. 

The clever crow thought, “Now is the time to act." And she dropped the necklace, which fell right into the snake’s pit of house. 

When the snake heard the noise, it came out of its pit of house. The palace guards saw the snake. “A snake! Kill it!" they shouted. With big sticks, they beat the snake and killed it. 

Then the guards took the necklace and went back to the princess. The crow was happy, “Now my eggs will be safe," she thought and led a happy and peaceful life. 

The Donkey and The Dog

This Short Story The Donkey and The Dog is quite interesting to all the people. Enjoy reading this story. 

A washer man had a donkey and a dog. Both the donkey and the dog helped his master in many ways. One night, few thieves broke in the house of that washer man. The dog heard them and started barking. The washer man got up and so did the neighbors. “What is that? A dog. Let us run," said the thieves. They feared some dangerous consequences. By that time many people gathered in the street. They tried to run away but they were caught by the people. 

The washer man said, “I am glad I had this dog in my house. I am sure the thieves would have looted me if my dog had not barked." The washer man was highly proud of the dog. Every one too praised the dog. 

From that day, the donkey started thinking, “The master thinks that the dog is a more useful animal than me." The donkey decided he will show his master, the washer man, that he too could be useful just like the dog. Few days passed. One night, it so happened, two thieves again entered the washer man’s house. The thieves became aware of the animals, present in that house. “We should be careful, friend! I have heard that a dog guards this house," one thief said to the other. 

As the thieves peeped in, they saw the dog sitting just outside the main door. “It seems the dog is quite alert," said one thief. 

“It is better to leave this house alone. We had better go at once," the other thief said and the two thieves fled. But unknown to the thieves, the donkey was watching all this. He thought, “It is a good opportunity for me to show my master that I too can be useful to him. The thieves have run away. If I start shouting, the master will think that I have driven the thieves away and out of this house." And the foolish donkey started braying loudly. 

When the washer man heard the donkey bray at this odd hour, he got angry. He came out with a stick and thrashed the donkey. “This will teach him not to bray at night," he screamed. The donkey got all the thrashes in silence. It did not know what was taking place. 

Just then the dog came to the donkey and said, “It is better to do your duties than try to be like me." The donkey knew that the dog was right.There after both the donkey and the dog remained peaceful.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

A Wise Old Owl

A Wise Old Owl 

There was an old owl that lived in an oak. Everyday he saw incidents happening around him. Yesterday he saw a boy helping an old man to carry a heavy basket. Today he saw a girl shouting at her mother. The more he saw the less he spoke. 
As he spoke less, he heard more. He heard people talking and telling stories. He heard a woman saying that an elephant jumped over a fence. He also heard a man saying that he had never made a mistake. 
The old owl had seen and heard about what happened to people. Some became better and some became worse. But the old owl had become wiser each and every day. 

Moral of the story : 
You should be observant, talk less but listen more. This will make you a wise person. 


1. Write In One Sitting
Write the first draft your story in as short a time as possible. If you’re writing a short story, try to write it in one sitting. If you’re writing a novel, try to write it in one season (three months).1
Don’t worry too much about plotting or outlining beforehand. You can do that once you know you have a story to tell in the first place. Your first draft is a discovery process. You are like an archaeologist digging an ancient city out of the clay. You might have a few clues about where your city is buried beforehand, but you don’t know what it will look like until it’s unearthed.
All that’s to say, get digging!

2. Develop Your Protagonist
Stories are about protagonists, and if you don’t have a good protagonist, you won’t have a good story. The essential ingredient for every protagonist is that they must make decisions. Victor Frankl said, “A human being is a deciding being.” Your protagonist must make a decision to get herself into whatever mess she gets into in your story, and likewise, she must decide to get herself out of the mess.
To further develop your protagonist, use other character archetypes like the villain, the protagonist’s opposite, or  the fool, a sidekick character that reveals the protagonist’s softer side.

3. Create Suspense and Drama
To create suspense, set up a dramatic question. A dramatic question is something like, “Is he going to make it?” or, “Is she going to get the man of her dreams?” By putting your protagonist’s fate in doubt, you make the reader ask, What happens next?
Note: To do this well, you need to carefully restrict the flow of information to the reader. Nothing  destroy drama like over-sharing.

4.  Show, Don’t Tell
Honestly, the saying “ show don't tell” is overused. However, when placed next to the step above, it becomes very effective.
When something interesting happens in your story that changes the fate of your character, don’t tell us about it. show the scene! Your readers have a right to see the best parts of the story play out in front of them. Show the interesting parts of your story, and tell the rest.

5. Write Good Dialogue
 good dialogue comes from two things: intimate knowledge of your characters and lots of rewriting.
Each character must have a unique voice, and to make sure your characters all sound different, read each character’s dialogue and ask yourself, “Does this sound like my character?” If your answer is no, then you have some rewriting to do.
Also, with your  speaker tag, try not to use anything but “he said” and “she said.” Speaker tags like “he exclaimed,” “she announced,” and “he spoke vehemently” are distracting and unnecessary. The occasional “he asked” is fine, though.

6. Write About Death
Think about the last five novels you read. In how many of them did a character die? Good stories often involve death. Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Charlotte’s WebThe Lord of the Rings, and more all had main characters who died. Death is the universal theme because every person who lives will one day die. 

7. Edit Like a Pro
Most professional writers  write three drafts or more. The first draft is often called the “vomit draft” or the “shitty first draft.” Don’t share it with anyone! Your first draft is your chance to explore your story and figure out what it’s about.
Your second draft isn't for polishing, although many new writers will try to polish as soon as they can to clean up their embarrassing first draft. Instead, the second draft is meant for major structural changes and for clarifying the plot and characters of your novel or the key ideas of your non-fiction book.
The third draft is for deep polishing. Now is when everything starts to gel. This is the fun part! But until you write the first two drafts, polishing is probably a waste of your time.

8. Know the Rules, Then Break Them
Good writers know all the rules and follow them. Great writers know all the rules and break them . However, the best writers don’t break the rules arbitrarily. They break them because their stories require a whole new set of rules. Respect the rules, but remember that you don’t serve the rules. You serve your stories.

9. Defeat Writer’s Block
The best way to defeat writers block is to write. If you’re stuck, don’t try to write well. Don’t try to be perfect. just write.
Sometimes, to write better stories, you have to start by taking the pressure off and just writing.

10. Share Your Work
You write better when you know someone will soon be reading what you’ve written. If you write in the dark, no one will know if you aren’t giving your writing everything you have. But when you share your writing, you face the possibility of failure. This will force you to write the best story  you possibly can.


Hello!  Friends

              I am here to tell you about --  how to create and write stories. Creative stories are all about our hidden stories within our mind and these stories are also related to our life. We just have to take a look around of our surroundings.